The U.S. economy is dynamic, constantly changing, and evolving, especially in the energy sector where energy is generated and used in various capacities as energy, power, and light for electricity or in buildings, industrial, and transportation sectors. These dynamic changes are driven by multiple factors, including economics,  geography, politics, climate, environmental, and energy security concerns. The electricity-sector market share of natural gas and variable-generation renewables, such as wind and solar photovoltaics (P.V.), continues to grow with increasing demand for more reliable clean energy.

The building construction and development industry and its market sector are evolving to meet efficiency and green standards. The transportation sector is also changing to meet greater efficiency and renewable fuels standards. The industrial sector is growing to reduce carbon emissions through efficiency improvements, advanced combined heat and power (CHP), and increased energy storage (DOE 2015a). These drivers provide investment and utilization strategies for innovative, creative, sustainable energy generation, distribution, and delivery value assets. Our primary business operation focuses on two core areas. First, the transition,  efficient and effective use of energy mixes worldwide –especially nonrenewable and cogeneration. Second, the safe disposal of depleted Uranium oxide (spent fuel) conversion waste products generated from nuclear plant operations.

Black Crystal Energy mix operations involve the following four areas

  1. Renewable Energy: Solar, Wind, Hydro, Rain, Tides, Ocean waves, Geothermal Heat, Biomass, Woods, Hydrogen fuels Biofuels, etc. (Vegetable oil used as fuel, ethanol, methanol all comprise clean energy)
  2. Nonrenewable Energy: Coal, Lignite, Petroleum Oil & Natural Gas (Fossil Fuel or Carbon-based organically derived fuel), and Nuclear Power
  3. Energy Security and Research
  4. Cogeneration: Gas Driven Turbine Electrical Generation Power

      Black Crystal Energy is committed to providing safe, cost-effective, efficient, clean, and viable uses for fossil fuel –especially the excess gas currently flared worldwide through –gas gathering, application of new technology for transportation, conservation, and creation of new commercial markets (Fossil fuel is from geologically ancient plant life. Alcohol and Methane can also come from biomass)

      While oil and gas exploration, drilling, and production activities are widespread globally, several trillions of natural gas are associated with large oil field reserves and oil. However, substantial amounts of natural gas can not be produced due to inadequate technology, geographical location, undesirable product contents, transportability, bad or lack of localized commercial or international markets, and other environmentally restrictive barriers. As a result, most of the gas is flared into the atmosphere. Extracting natural gas from oil-producing fields may cause severe environmental damage with negative consequences to global warming. Notably, the emission of CO2, one of the largest greenhouse gases produced during petroleum operation, primarily from burning fossil fuel, may damage the atmosphere and air we breathe. As a result, Black Crystal Energy has created multiple approaches and techniques to harness and process residual or stranded natural gas to be utilized in positive, clean, efficient, cost-effective, and enduring but environmentally sensitive manners.