About Us

Black Crystal Energy is a multinational broad energy mix (products and services) producer headquartered in Dallas, Texas. Our company explores opportunities in both nonrenewable (nuclear, coal, oil, and natural gas) and renewable (solar, wind, geothermal, water-ocean-hydro) energy resources. We help develop and apply next-generation technologies to facilitate the safe and responsible use of nonrenewable energy resources like coal, nuclear, oil, and natural gas. They are available but in limited supplies, because it takes a long time to replace them. However, renewable energy resources like wind, solar, water (hydro and ocean), biomass, and geothermal are replaceable. Learn more

Who we are:

Black Crystal Energy also engages in the exploration, drilling, production, transportation, storage, and distribution of oil and gas. Although our primary focus is producing and acquiring oil and gas leases – mainly marginal oil and natural gas fields- we are actively involved in renewable energy. Concentration in renewable energy resources allows us to outsource all, or part of, the company’s natural gas research, using currently available technology to implement solutions to gain a global competitive advantage in the petroleum industry.


Black Crystal Energy’s mission is to be the world’s largest energy producer that safely delivers reliable, affordable, efficient, and abundant but different energy mix services to people domestically and globally. We plan to improve earnings and profits, achieving superior financial returns on investment.  Learn more

As part of our mission, we will explore traditional and alternative energy sources using aggressive exploration, acquisition, and production of excellent oil and gas wells, investments in Solar, Wind, and other forms of renewable energy. At the same time, we continue to work “very hard” toward protecting and preserving the environment’s quality using current and available technology for research and development of oil and gas fields. In the pursuit of this mission, the following are our clearly stated and reiterated objectives:

  1. Improve earnings and profits by achieving superior financial returns on investment.
  2. Continuously promote new technological research and excellent products and services by modernizing our business and infrastructures while investing in safety, innovation, environmental sustainability, and our communities. Safely produce and provide natural gas services to various customers
  3. Protect and the quality of the environment using available cost-effective and efficient technology.
  4. Increase collaborative efforts with members of the academic institutions to develop and maintain an efficient, state-of-the-art technology for use in the production process.
  5. Promote continuous development, delivery, and maintenance of quality products and services to various clients in the private and public sectors.
  6. Maintain consistent department-wide implementation of organizations’ policy of best business practices.

Our overall and current challenge is to find practical solutions to enhance and practice efficient oil and gas exploration and production methods with the highest consideration for environmental issues and other safety concerns emanating from the petroleum industry without any conflict with the environment.


Our vision is to be the biggest, safest, best and most efficient provider of natural gas and different energy mix services and supplies (renewable and nonrenewable energy) in the united states. We will be recognized as the Nations safest energy company that operates with a focus on quality and exceptional customer services, including being the best employer in the industry with superior returns on investment.

Black Crystal Energy is committed to building a responsible, reputable, forward-looking, privately owned, and environmentally friendly international energy resources private business organization. Driven by motivation and innovative new technologies that capitalize on appropriate research in science and technology, our company can produce efficient, cost-effective, sustainable (renewable and nonrenewable) energy.